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Carrie Vaughn
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Kitty Book 1
2005, Nov, Warner
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Who recommends: Linda
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Kitty Norville is a DJ for radio station KNOB in Denver. While filling in on a midnight shift, she starts a conversation about a supposed sighting of "BATBOY" from a write up in the newspaper. Overnight, the popularity ratings go up, and now she has a late night advice show for people who claim to be or know of vampires, werewolves, and such. Although the world at large is unaware of it, werewolves do exist. Kitty is one. Soon she is getting pressure from the paranormal community, vampire and werewolf alike.

I loved this book! Kitty's advice to the call-ins, paranormal creatures and humans alike, is great. It can be insightful, touching, or snappish. You become very engrossed in Kitty's life and her struggle to keep her humanity, her relationship with her pack, and her dual nature. Her human side is fighting for recognition against her submissive wolf wanting just to give in to her pack. There is also a plot--a threat on Kitty's life and serial killings taking place that look to be the work of another rogue werewolf.

This story is complete in itself but is going to be followed by another, KITTY GOES TO WASHINGTON. In KITTY AND THE MIDNIGHT HOUR, there is an attraction with an assassin hired to kill Kitty, but you really can't tell if you are going to see him again in the next book. I hope we do, because this was a fun touch. High recommend!--Linda (16 Nov 05)

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