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Susan Sizemore
book cover

2000, Feb, Speculation Press

Who recommends: Linda
Who discommends:

This is one of these books that is a slow starter but improves as you progress in the book. I think the reason for this is that Susan doesn't seem to be one for explanations so much of the beginning had me busy trying to figure out just what was what and who was who. I really would have like just a few explanations. (can you tell<g>). But I did like the heroine right off, her personality and her koltiri abilities. I didn't warm to the hero as fast but then he didn't give a lot away and he was infected with the Sagouran Plague, which was sweeping across the galaxy. Also I was busy trying to figure out just who the hero was looking for and figure out if he was a good or bad guy.<g> But none the less, even when I was confused, I was still interested. The h/h didn't get to meet until halfway through the book but I enjoyed that half of the book a lot.<g>

Sagouran Plague is spreading across the galaxy and the only treatment (not cure) is an illegal drug called Rust. The hero is a pirate captain called Pyr. He also has the plague and is in a race to stay alive and find a traitor?? The heroine is Roxanne Merrates, a medical officer and Koltiri Physician and the one most likely person to find a cure for the disease if she survives long enough.


It really doesn't give that much away to say that the hero is looking for his son who is the prisoner of an unknown person. I knew this from a review of the book before I started it and was glad since I had so many other things to be confused about.<g>

Unusual as it is, the heroine is actually married to someone else in the beginning of the book but it is handled well and by the end of the book you had found out enough about the reason for the marriage and her relationship with her husband to make the h/h unstoppable attraction exceptable. (though they do try to resist<g>)--Linda (12 Mar 00)

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