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Jennifer Roberson
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Who recommends: JW, Lynn, Lori, Suzanne
Who discommends:

Shapechangers (1984)
The Song of Homana (1985)
Legacy of the Sword (1986)
Track of the White Wolf 1987)
A Pride of Princes (1988)
Daughter of the Lion (1989)
Flight of the Raven (1990)
A Tapestry of Lion (1992)

This is a long fantasy saga, but several of the books have romances, including the first, SHAPECHANGERS (which reads like a first or early effort but is still enjoyable) and DAUGHTER OF THE LION, which is a good deal more sophisticated. --JW

I read the first few books in the series, then I stopped because I decided to wait for the rest of the series, which took a while. I have 'em all (even out of storage; they were in one of the boxes I brought him), but haven't gotten back to them. But I liked the ones I read, even if the second book kind of ruined the HEA of the first. I read the first three or four books.--Lori

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