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Robin D. Owens
book cover

Book 1
2005, Feb, Luna

Who recommends: Shelley
Who discommends:

GUARDIAN OF HONOR, by Robin D. Owens, is the second Luna book I've tried, and it's a definite recommend. I will add the caveat that this is very much the first book in an ongoing series. While the issues in the plot are resolved, there is more coming up for this world.

Alexa, a lawyer from Denver, is pulled into an alternate dimension by a group of magic users. They need an 'Exotique' from our world to help them with defending their land against several types of killing entities. In this world Owen has created, the act of pulling someone across the dimensions sensitizes them to a different kind of magic, and the Marshalls are hoping this will be beneficial to their cause.

The world in GUARDIAN OF HONOR was fun, and Alexa's character was not a push-over. She had a lot of spine and insisted that as Marshalls had brought her they could darn well treat her as an equal. I ended up reading the book in one day because I was so caught up in what was happening to Alexa and how she would react.

I did feel that the end of the book was a little rushed--this was a 400+ page novel, but everything seemed to resolve itself in the last 20 pages. I kept thinking that Owen should have allowed for another 20 pages or so--after all, once you hit 409, what is another few pages?

I am looking forward to the next book (due out in 2006) and am wondering if there will be six total. The author laid the ground work for a total of six people from Earth eventually being brought over.--Shelley (20 Feb 05)

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