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Anne McCaffrey
book cover

Who recommends: Barbara, JW, Edith, Robin, Lori, Julie, Linda, Shelley, Lynn, Catie, Kathleen, Isabel, Tanya, Margaret, Danielle, Margaret
Who discommends:

A lot of fun. Another of my "comfort reads."--Kathleen

Another great combination of SF and romance. How come McCaffrey doesn't write books like these any more?--Isabel (31 Jul 99)

A very long time since I read this - the whole idea put me off, and I was pleased to find myself being won over and ending up enjoying the book.--Tanya (30 Jul 99)

Recommend - one of my favorite McCaffreys.--Margaret (08 Jul 01)

Great retro SF. I'd like to see someone make a movie out of this.--Danielle (12 Jul 01)

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