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Lisa Maxwell
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Who recommends: Shelley
Who discommends: JW

I just finished a book that looked promising for sf/romance, though it didn't turn out to be. THE BERSERKER'S HORSE by Lisa Maxwell is about a young woman who raises horses a totalitarian government who uses them as weapons for the beserkers, fierce warriors who protect the country's borders. Is runs away with her favorite horse and in her travels comes across a mute, half-mad stranger who has secrets that will shake Is's world view to the core.

As I said, it sounded good, and it was a good story. There's even a romance of sorts, though very subtle, but the ending is both unhappy and incomplete.

This is obviously meant to be the first book in a series, but there are no more books. I really, really, really hate reading something that does not come to a definite conclusion. So much so that I probably won't ever read anything by the author again, even though I did like the writing.-- JW

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