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Mercedes Lackey
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fairy tale series book 2

Who recommends: JW
Who discommends: Margaret

I just finished Lackey's THE BLACK SWAN. It was pleasant, but not all that memorable. It seems like it's been a long time since she's written a book that really caught me like her earlier books did. She's smoother and more professional now, but seems to have lost that feeling of raw emotion that makes her early books so gripping. What do the rest of you think? And why do I keep reading her anyway?--JW

This was only a mild recommendation at best. I liked it, but it was not all that special.--JW (04 Aug 99)

I've read this one and would neither recommend nor discommend. It was OK but very contrived and I didn't feel any interest in any of the characters.--Margaret (03 Jun 02)

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