Who recommends: Preeti, Edith, JW, Barbara, Kathleen, Isabel, Tanya, Danielle, Lori, Margaret, Laurie
Who discommends:
Preeti egged me into reading Diana Wynne Jones's HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE so I did. It was very enjoyable -- light, funny, charming. Of course, I had to get the next book, CASTLE IN THE AIR. It, too, had a romance and appearances by the main characters in HMC. Both books were a lot of fun and I've become a DWJ fan.--Edith
Now this is what I expected! Light and great fun. Strange characters that seem so believable, including the scarecrow that keeps trying to get in the door. Wonderful plotting with pieces coming together at the end - and a very understated romance you didn't realize was taking place until it happened.--Barbara
This is the book that converted me into a Diana Wynne Jones fan.--Isabel (31 Jul 99)
Lovely book. Not quite so keen on 'Castle in the Air' ...--Tanya (30 Jul 99)
Howl's Moving Castle was a light-hearted, amusing read. The only problem was that I wanted more -- more Sophie (who's a delightful character), more Howl, and especially more romance. What's there is very sweet, but also very subtle.--Danielle (25 Aug 99)
One of my favorite books by this author. I loved the castle, with the door opening into different places and thought that using a poem by John Donne to curse someone was inspired.--Margaret (15 Oct 00)HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE was a charming little book. I purposely didn't read the back cover blurb, and as such wasn't sure what to expect when I began the story. (I just had some vague recollection of all positive comments on the site.) So I was continually surprised by the plot twists and turns in the story. It's been far too long since I've read something that was pleasant through and through. I enjoyed Sophie's go with the flow attitude (can't say as I'd be nearly as accepting and pleasant as she initially was with her transformation!) and her sense of humor. Howl, the cad, was a great character. Very selfish and self-centered and almost childishly funny at times, he managed to worm his way into my good graces by giving Michael and Sophie a home without conditions or questions. As I was reading, a few things didn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, but eveyrthiing was skillfully tied together in the end. A very fun read. Are her other books this good?--Laurie (13 Nov 03)