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Kim Harrison
Rachel Morgan, Book 2
2005, Feb, HarperTorch
Who recommends: Shelley
Who discommends:
While I definitely recommend Kim Harrison's THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UNDEAD, it's a good idea to first read DEAD WITCH WALKING, the prior book in the Rachel Morgan series.Reacting to Linda's comments on DEAD WITCH WALKING, I thought that TGTBATU actually held together very well and was faster paced than DWW. Rachel, the main character, comes off as hot-headed and impulsive but not particularily wimpy. There are some things she is afraid of, but they make sense--she would need to be insane not to be afraid of them. I also enjoyed Kim Harrison's world building. The setting is an alternate Cincinnati, one populated with witches, werewolves, pixies and vampires. The author's descriptions of the city, the alternate history she creates, and the way human and non-humans interact are all very interesting. At the end of TGTBATU some issues are left unresolved, but the main crime had been taken to a logical conclusion. I am looking forward to the third book, due out in the fall of this year.--Shelley (12 Feb 05)