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Charlaine Harris
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Book 2
2002, April, Ace

Who recommends: Linda, Shelley, Robin, Preeti, Suzanne, Julie, JW
Who discommends:

I recommend this book. I enjoyed it a lot once I got to read it without interruptions. More in the continuing relationship and problems with being in love with a vampire.<g> Sookie's kept pretty busy with a murder occuring in her place of work and being called in with Bill, by the head vampire Eric, to help solve a disappearance of another vampire. Got a kick out of Eric as he managed to make some more moves on Sookie.<g> --Linda (18 Mar 02)

I finished LIVING DEAD IN DALLAS at the convention and really enjoyed it. It hints at possible interesting future developments for the romances and for Sookie's abilities. Since she is around more supernatural people she is learning more about her abilities. She is also having to deal with the vampire community and her place in it. I definitely recommend and am looking forward to the next installment. We got to meet Charlaine Harris at the convention (and see her on a few panels - the woman is a kick) and she is working on the third book now.--Shelley (25 Mar 02)

I just finished that book myself and I did enjoy it. I'll definitely be reading book 3. They have some interesting bits about how vampires who have come out <g> live and travel. I met the author at last year's RT convention and she is definitely a character.--Robin (26 Mar 02)

I'll be interested in seeing where Harris takes this, since Sookie is definitely growing, changing and maybe branching out.--Suzanne (21 May 02)

I'm surprised more of you didn't gulp this one down. I found LIVING DEAD IN DALLAS to be a perfect combination of fantasy, humor, angst, romance and sex. And who can ask for more than that?--Preeti (02 Jun 02)

Well, I loved it. I am waiting for the next one - I am very curious to see where she goes with the character of Sam.--Shelley (02 Jun 02)

Yeah, that was a strange affair he had in this book. I don't know that I quite got the Meanid(sp?) and her role in this book.

I'm amazed by how much these two books are LKH clones and at the same time, nothing like. It probably comes down to the eccentricity. Gotta love a sexy guy who shapeshifts into a dog at the full moon. Which just led me to the thought that I haven't read WAR FOR THE OAKS since it was first released. Must move that into the tbr pile...--Preeti (03 Jun 02)

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