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Sharon Green
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1987, Daw

Who recommends: Edith, JW, Lori, Rebekah, Preeti, Isabel, Margaret
Who discommends: Barbara

This was a fun read, with a smart, mouthy heroine. It had flaws (ending was kinda hokey) and the hero did tend to be a bit patronizing, but I enjoyed it. -- Edith

This one grabbed me and dragged me willy-nilly along, just like the main character was dragged. The author did a very good job of making me feel the anger and frustration the heroine did. An enjoyable book but hard going for me in the beginning (it even managed to make me a little grumpy, even in Hawaii ...) It finished well and with lots of hea.--Rebekah

Young interplanetary corporate raider Regan is summoned back to the homeworld from which she was exiled as a child for having no "talent." She meets her father for the first time in twelve years but is utterly betrayed when he promptly sells her to a barbarian-type rebel leader, Gareth, in marriage.

I think half the tension in reading this book came from wondering whether Green would cross the line of what I find acceptable in my reading, in terms of how much control Gareth had over Regan. But Sharon Green kept surprising me in this compulsively readable book. I was quite delighted with how everything turned out. Center-stage romance in this one. And it has sex too, for those of you who've complained that your SFR always back off on this point!--Preeti

This is one of Sharon Green's better titles. I dislike her two early series, the one about Jalav Amazon Queen (or something like that) and the "Warrior" ones. I like most of her later titles to one degree or another. She seems to play around with themes of domination in all her books, but in the later ones the females are more of a match for the males, and after a certain amount of "battle of the sexes" stuff they end up as equals and partners...--JW (20 Jul 99)

> Sharon Green's THE REBEL PRINCE arrived in my mailbox yesterday and I still have a hard time believing that I stayed up to finish it last night. It was a surprisingly good story! Surprisingly because I had read some of her earlier novels and all I can say is ICK! I shouldn't have doubted you guys! There were a couple of plot points that I would not have accepted in a romance but I'm much more broad-minded in my SF/F (furthermore, I had read the ending and was forewarned!) so please put me down for an enthusiastic recommend.--Isabel (12 Aug 99)

I recall now why I don't keep a lot of hers. Sorry, while I like sword and sorcery and strong heroines, there is just a touch of S&M; usually in her stuff. And sometimes her heroines are idiots. We bring Regan back to her planet to reunite with her family, who has cast her off when she was a child because she lacked proper Talent. Little did all of them know that she was only hiding it. And using it to become a success in intergalactic financing. But now she's married against her will to a Below that she calls "the creature" for half the book. Okay, he's a jerk at times and she's a b**** at times - a match made in heaven. Now mind you, plotted well, good story rhythm, just not as well done as some of hers. IF you had to read one by Sharon Green, this one isn't it.--Barbara (21 Aug 99)

I enjoyed this book when I first read but having read some more by Sharon Green I have no wish to reread it. The author seems obsessed with slavery and I'm tired of heroines who spend most of the book with hurt feelings.--Margaret (20 Mar 00)

How very different one's impression of a book can be depending on the order in which it is read! I had read a couple of Sharon Green's other books years ago and was rather surprised to see THE REBEL PRINCE on the recommended list. I picked up THE REBEL PRINCE and finished it in pleasantly stunned shock. A Sharon Green book with no (or should I say very little) degradation and humiliation???? How lovely :)--Isabel (21 Mar 00)

Even when I first read it I was irritated by the heroine's attitude of "everyone's so nasty to me that I'll just shrivel up and die." I am even more irritated now that I've found this popping up in all the books of hers that I've read.--Margaret (22 Mar 00)

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