Who recommends: Rebekah, JW
Who discommends:
I didn't like this one nearly as much as the previous. It was darker and didn't end with much of a feeling of resolution. Many serious grim issues had been raised and only partially or falsely concluded. The aliens in here were very well done. We meet a second group of aliens here, very different than the ones introduced in the first book. They gave me a visceral revulsion, like they did the humans in the story, very effective. The love that started in the first book is still there and maybe even stronger, but the people themselves may be permanently damaged by the events of the story. A recommend, but don't go into it expecting all problems solved.--Rebekah
Probably only for people like me that like to keep reading about characters I liked, and not for those that don't want the previous book's hea to be partially spoiled.--Rebekah