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05/04/2005 Entry: "News from May 2005 Locus"
 The May 2005 Locus features interviews with writers Sean Stewart, Rosemary Kirstein, and Chris Roberson, a report from this year's International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts and reports on the SF scenes in Brazil and Germany. Some news which caught our eye: --Nina Kiriki Hoffman's FALL OF LIGHT, sequel to A FISTFUL OF SKY, sold to Ace. --Laurell K. Hamilton sold Anita Blake novel Micah's Story and a story collection to Berkley. The novel will be done as an original paperback. --Sara Douglass's new Darkglass Mountains trilogy went to HarperCollins, HarperCollins Australia, and Voyager. --Laura Anne Gilman sold the fourth, fifth, and sixth books in her Retrievers series to Harlequin Luna. --Chris Marie Green, writing as "Crystal Green," sold her Vampire Underground series to Berkley. --Cassandra Claire sold YA urban fantasy CITY OF BONES and two more books in her Mortal Instruments trilogy to Margaret K. McElderry Books. --Barbara Hambly turned in RENFIELD to Ace. --Lyn McConchie turned in SILVER MAY TARNISH, a collaboration with Andre Norton, to Tor. --David Benioff & Dan Weiss will write the script for the film adaptation of Orson Scott Card's ENDER'S GAME. --Jim Butcher sold a Spiderman novel to Simon and Schuster. --Marjorie M. Liu will write X-Men: Dark Mirror for Pocket.