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09/26/2004 Entry: "Rachel Caine's HEAT STROKE--Really Something (Linda)"

Heat Stroke

Preeti already gave a concise review of this book, so I'm going to try not to say too much about the plot and spoil the surprises. In short, I was very happy with the romance in Rachel Caine's HEAT STROKE. Additionally, seeing the view of the world first laid out in ILL WIND from the other side (the djinn side) was fascinating. The history of the only other living man-made djinn and his tragic romance and what followed was really something!! I was interested in all of it--the mystery of the rip and the blue sparkles included. Confused about the danger, too, since you were kept guessing on what it was...but never bored. And while Joanne and David do manage to solve the mystery and save the world, you do get left with a kind of cliffhanger on another front. Preeti, I'm so jealous that you got to read CHILL FACTOR already!! I think it's coming out this year, though, so I'll try to be patient. :-) You can put me in for a high recommend for HEAT STROKE in the meantime!--Linda

--ILL WIND (Weather Warden 1) review page
--HEAT STROKE (Weather Warden 2) review page
--HEAT STROKE at Amazon
--CHILL FACTOR at Amazon

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