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04/12/2004 Entry: "Romantic SF up for 2004 Hugos, Campbell"
The nominations are in for this year's Hugo awards, one of Science Fiction & Fantasy's most prestigious honors, and on the list are two romantic SF works! One is Lois McMaster Bujold's novel, Paladin of Souls, and the other is Catherine Asaro's novella, "Walk in Silence". The Hugos are nominated and voted on by popular vote, so they really reflect the tastes of the active SF&F; community. Also nominated are non-romantic-sf fiction by some of our favorite authors -- Neil Gaiman (Short Story) and Connie Willis (Novella). On the same ballot, but not a Hugo (it is sponsored by Dell Magazines), is the "John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer" aka the Campbell. One of the nominees is Chris Moriarty, whose SPIN STATE has the romantic SF commu |