by Rebekah Jensen and Preeti Singh (December 14, 2003)
In January of 2003, two major publishers announced imprints tailor-made for romantic science fiction readers. The Tor line, tentatively titled Tor Romance, is scheduled to begin in July 2004. More about that line as we hear about it. Luna from Harlequin, however, will begin releasing books January 2004. Of the two, Luna with its savvy editor and roster of familiar authors is the one that has us more excited.
Mary-Theresa Hussey from Harlequin Books is the editor of the Luna imprint. In a March interview by ezine Crescent Blues, Hussey introduced her vision for Luna. She sees Luna as a place for "female-focused fantasy" with strong heroines and a definite romantic element. Hussey wants the level of sensuality to be appropriate to each story. As crucial as this storytelling flexibility undoubtedly is for the continued freshness of Luna offerings, we're curious to see if the books will meet heightened reader expectations for a strong romance-SF blend. In the Crescent Blues interview, Hussey reels off a long list of her favorite SF authors, including Lois McMaster Bujold, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Robin McKinley, Tanya Huff, Elizabeth Moon, Anne Bishop, Charles de Lint, Julie Czerneda, Doranna Durgin, Patricia McKillip, and Laurell K. Hamilton. By displaying such remarkably good taste in books, Hussey has inspired an increased level of reader trust in Luna around here. (Although you'll notice none of the above- named authors are writing for Luna...yet.) Some of the well-known SF authors who have been picked for the starting line-up include one of our site favorites, Catherine Asaro, as well as Mercedes Lackey and Sarah Zettel. The romance readers among us recognize a number of names on Luna's schedule, with Rachel Lee and Susan Krinard being perhaps the most well known. Yes, there are also head-scratchers among the list of authors to keep us in suspense. Hussey sounds enthusiastic and knowledgeable on her subject. It does appear as if the Luna will be confined to fantasy, with a particular focus on traditional and historical fantasy. To sum it up, Hussey says, "A believable, consistent, fantastical world with a compelling female lead coming to terms with her powers and society is the key to a Luna title." In a more recent interview for the September Locus Magazine, Hussey says that "[Harlequin's] goal is to cover the whole gamut of women's fiction, and within that we have many readers who want romance, with a small 'r', which can be difficult to find. We believe that the fantasy market has great potential and that reader in this area aren't always finding stories that satisfy them. And we think that the fantasy novels in Luna will appeal to a wide audience."
And news of new authors being signed keeps trickling in. Hussey is choosing writers who are well known in both SF and romance. Mercedes Lackey's retelling of the Cinderella story, THE FAIRY GODMOTHER, will kick off the line. THE FAIRY GODMOTHER will be in hardcover, but the rest will be out in trade paperback, one per month. Mass market paperback editions of these releases will eventually follow. (See Danielle's early review!) Romance readers had a preview of the line in a November romantic fantasy anthology, Silhouette's CHARMED DESTINIES, which included stories by both Lackey and Asaro. According to an article in Publisher's Weekly, Luna has been heavily engaged in marketing itself, which is all to the good. An imprint that caters to those of us who love romance, SF, and a blending of the two deserves promotional muscle. Having Luna fail because its books are awful would be far more palatable than having it fail because no one had heard of it. And have you seen the covers on the Luna books? Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. If this line succeeds, it may be as much due to Luna's art director as anything else. Hussey has filled up the 2004 schedule and is now working on 2005. Some authors have been signed under multi-book contracts but they are still accepting submissions. In fact, they are hoping to go to two books a month towards the end of 2005. Here's to the potential of Luna and the acknowledgment through Luna's launch that readers like us constitute a market that wants to be tapped! We can hardly wait to begin reading. |
L u n a b O o K s |
Some Links:
The Official Luna Books Website
Editor Hussey's Crescent Blues Interview
Publisher's Weekly article on Romantic Science Fiction
(Titled, "What's New Under the Sun", 3/4 of the way down the page with a grey background)
An interview with Hussey at the Luna Books site
Want to discuss the new imprint in an independent forum? Join the RomanticSF yahoogroup! (We have recently had a spirited debate on the audience and expectations for Luna, so be sure to look through the yahoogroup message archives.) |
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updated 12 June 2005
January 2004
Mercedes Lackey The Fairy Godmother
Hardcover; all the subsequent ones are trade paperback originals
"Cinderella meets Russian folk tales, with a fairy godmother and three princes thrown in for good measure."
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February 2004
Catherine Asaro The Charmed Sphere
A continuation from her novella in the Charmed Destinies anthology
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March 2004
Sarah Zettel In Camelot's Shadow
"An Arthurian story with a touch of Beauty and the Beast" (Sir Gawain)
More info at
Zettel's website
First of trilogy
Buy from Amazon
April 2004
Deborah Hale The Wizard's Ward
Tale of a girl destined to be queen of the peaceful world of the Han.
But first she must find and unite with their country's legendary
"Waiting King" to overthrow the enemy occupation.
First of two books under contract to Luna
More info at Hale's website
Buy from Amazon
May 2004
Michele Hauf Seraphim
First of a trilogy
In an alternative 15th-century France, the Black Knight vows to make
the cruel brotherhood of Lucifer de Morte pay for its reign of terror.
But the Knight is actually a "she," who discovers the power she holds.
More info at
Hauf's website
Buy from Amazon
June 2004
Anne Kelleher Silver's Edge
A blacksmith's daughter, a Sidhe lady, and a mortal queen--three women
from three different worlds are united on an epic quest to defeat and
encroaching evil.
First in "Through the Shadowlands" duology
Buy from Amazon
July 2004
Christie Golden On Fire's Wings
Low-born Kevla Bai-sha's fevered dreams show looming threats to her land and visions of dragons that had once watched over her people. Kevla, together with Jashemi-kha-Tahmu, rebel prince of the ruling household, would defy all law, all tradition, to embark on a daring quest for the half-forgotten elemental parts that will save the world.
First in "The Final Dance" quintet
More info at
Golden's website
Buy from Amazon
August 2004
Laura Anne Gilman Staying Dead
First of a three-book deal.
"The characters are Wren & Sergei and the Retrievers Gang, described as 'think Moonlighting meets To Catch a Thief seasoned with a healthy dollop of magic'. Only not. Contemporary fantasy/mystery with a healthy dollop of relationship."
More info at
Gilman's website
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September 2004
Caitlin Brennan The Mountain's Call
Pseudonym of Judith Tarr
More info at
Brennan's website
Buy from Amazon
October 2004
Susan Krinard Shield of the Sky
Book 1 of "Shadow of the Stone" trilogy
More info at Krinard's website
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November 2004
Mercedes Lackey The Fairy Godmother
Mass market paperback reprint
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December 2004
P.C. Cast Elphame's Choice
First in series of mythic fantasy novels set in the world of her
Goddess by Mistake
More info at Cast's website
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January 2005
Rachel Lee Shadows of Myth
"The Ilduin" Book 1
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February 2005
Robin D. Owens Guardian of Honor
Fantasy trilogy "The Summoning", in which average American women are summoned into an alternate universe to save the main culture from an encroaching evil.
More info at
Owen's website
Buy from Amazon
March 2005
Gail Dayton The Compass Rose
More info at
Dayton's website
Buy from Amazon
April 2005
Sarah Zettel For Camelot's Honor
Book 2, based on the epic of Geraint and Enid from the Mabinogian
More info at
Zettel's website
Buy from Amazon
May 2005
Michele Hauf Gossamyr
Sequel to Seraphim
Story of Seraphim's sister, Verity, who "was stolen by the faeries when she was two months old."
More info at
Hauf's website
Buy from Amazon
June 2005
C.E. Murphy Urban Shaman
Contemporary fantasy trilogy "The Walker Papers." Cop Joanne Walker has "three days to learn to use her shamanic powers and save the world from the unleashed Wild Hunt."
More info at
Murphy's website
Buy from Amazon
Anne Kelleher Silver's Bane
"Through the Shadowlands" Book 2
Buy from Amazon
July 2005
Laura Anne Gilman Curse the Dark
Retrievers Book 2 (sequel to Staying Dead) of 3
More info at
Gilman's website
Buy from Amazon
Catherine Asaro The Misted Cliffs
Sequel to The Charmed Sphere
More info at
Asaro's website
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Mass market paperback reissues:
(Harlequin Luna; mm reissue; Bk1)

(Harlequin Luna; mm reissue; Bk1)
Anne Kelleher SILVER'S EDGE
(Harlequin Luna; mm reissue; Bk1)
(Harlequin Luna; mm reissue; Bk1)
August 2005
Michelle Sagara Cast in Shadow
Book 1 of trilogy
More info at
Sagara's website
Buy from Amazon
Deborah Hale The Destined Queen
sequel to The Wizard's Ward
More info at Hale's website
Buy from Amazon
September 2005
Christie Golden In Stone's Clasp
Second in "The Final Dance" quintet
More info at
Golden's website
Buy from Amazon
October 2005
Maria Snyder Poison Study
"...features a powerful heroine trying to determine a path to freedom while coming to terms with her unexpected life--as a food/poison taster--and building magical powers."--Malle Vallik, Hqn's
Romance magazine
Buy from Amazon
Caitlin Brennan Song of Unmaking
Pseudonym of Judith Tarr
Book 2 of series
More info at
Brennan's website
Buy from Amazon
November 2005
Winter Moon Mercedes Lackey, Tanith Lee, C.E. Murphy
Buy from Amazon
December 2005
Laura Resnick Disappearing Nightly
First three books of a paranormal romantic comedy/mystery series featuring "a working actress who attracts supernatural trouble, an ambitious cop torn between dating her and having her committed, and a befuddled four-hundred year old wizard sent to protect Manhattan from Evil".
More info at
Resnick's website
P.C. Cast Brighid's Quest
Book 2
More info at Cast's website
January 2006
Mercedes Lackey One Good Night
Book 2 of the 500 Kingdoms series
Rachel Lee Shadows of Prophecy
Book 2 of the Ilduin
February 2006
Susan Krinard Hammer of the Earth
Book 2 of the Shadow of the Stone series
More info at
Krinard's website
Robin D. Owens Sorceress of Faith
Book 2
Mass market paperback releases we know about
P.C. Cast - Partholon by Mistake (formerly Goddess by Mistake, story of the parents of Elphame's Choice heroine) (2005)
P.C. Cast - Partholon by Choice (formerly Goddess by Choice) (2006)
Laura Anne Gilman - Staying Dead (fall 2005)
Catherine Asaro
Books 3 in trilogy
Caitlin Brennan
Books 2 (Song of Unmaking) & 3 in trilogy
P.C. Cast
Book 3
Gail Dayton
Books 2 (The Barbed Rose, March 2006) & 3 (The One Rose)
More info at Dayton's website
Laura Anne Gilman
"Retrievers" series book 3 - (Bring It On, July 2006)
Christie Golden
The "Final Dance" series books 3 (Under Sea's Shadow), 4 (By Wind's Tempest), and 5 (Through's Soul's Desire)
Michele Hauf
Book 3 of trilogy (May 2006)
Susan Krinard
Books 2 (Hammer of the Earth, Feb 2006) & 3 in "Shadow of the Stone" trilogy
Mercedes Lackey
Books 2, 3, 4 in "500 Kingdoms" series
Rachel Lee
Book 3 of the Ilduin - Shadows of Prophecy
C.E. Murphy
Books 2 (Thunderbird Falls, May 2006) and 3 of contemporary fantasy trilogy "The Walker Papers"
More info at Murphy's website
Robin D. Owens
3 of "The Summoning"
More info at Owen's website
Laura Resnick
First three books of a paranormal romantic comedy/mystery series featuring "a working actress who attracts supernatural trouble, an ambitious cop torn between dating her and having her committed, and a befuddled four-hundred year old wizard sent to protect Manhattan from Evil".
Expected in 2005
More info at Resnick's website
Michelle Sagara
"Cast in Shadow" trilogy (Cast in Shadow, Cast in Courtlight, 3rd book)
Maria Snyder
Magic Study, sequel to Poison Study
Sarah Zettel
Books 3 of Arthurian trilogy
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